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Study phase:
There are mechanisms in place to enforce / ensure that time-sensitive data is entered within allotted time windows.

1: Database has flags for identification of when CRF completion or a study visit is overdue.

2: Automated weekly messages sent to coordinators listing overdue eCRFs.

3: Central study staff responsible for monitoring overdue CRFs. 

Study phase:
Database rule checks are in place to identify conflicts in data entries for related or dependent data collected in different CRFs or sources.

1: Scheduled queries are run for data checks across tables/CRFs for variables prone to conflict.

2: There should be rules to ensure that incompatible choices are excluded both within a data element (e.g. cannot be both male and female) and between related elements (e.g. male cannot be pregnant).

Study phase:
Free text avoided unless clear scientific justification and (e.g. qualitative) analysis plan specified and feasible.

1: ‘Other’ checkbox included in field response options as appropriate with free field text for description.

2: Free-text fields set as containing PHI to avoid inadvertent export/release of personal information. 

Study phase:
Range and logic checks are in place for CRF response fields that require free entry of numeric values. Permissible values and units of measurement are specified at data entry.

1: Avoid free text fields when possible.

2: eCRF has automated error flags to prompt immediate alert to review entries that don’t pass validation with option to override when appropriate. 

Study phase:
Missingness is defined and is distinguished from ‘not available’, ‘not applicable’, ‘not collected’ or ‘unknown.’ For optional data, ‘not entered’ is differentiated from ‘not clinically available’ depending on research context.

1: Definitions are agreed upon at design.

2: Codes are defined as appropriate to study settings: missing data from hospital record (e.g. not recorded) versus missing data from a study appointment (e.g. subject did not return etc.). 

Study phase:
Data that is mandatory for the study is enforced by rules at data entry and user reasons for overriding the error checks (queries) are documented in the database.

1: Mandatory elements require a value or explanation for reason missing.

2: Curation team is responsible for reviewing and accepting or rejecting explanations.

3: Data completeness for key variables is checked against pre-specified study design goals and minimum standards for data completeness in key areas are met.

4: Quality control is in place to ensure that completed clinical measurements or investigations such as imaging meet the specifications in the study protocol.

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