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Study phase:
There is centralized monitoring of the completeness and consistency of information during data collection.
Study phase:
Proxy responses for factual questions (such as employment status) are allowed in order to maximize completeness.

1: Protocol is designed to allow for surrogate to respond to selected questions when patient is too impaired to respond. CRF indicates when surrogate is responding.

Study phase:
A team of data-curation experts are involved with pre-specified initial and ongoing testing for quality assurance.

1: Anticipated and unanticipated data quality issues are identified and appropriate solutions/mitigation strategies are devised in a timely manner.

2: There is a process in place for ongoing systematic quality checking and analysis of data during data acquisition to identify unexpected data quality issues in order to remedy them in a timely manner. 

Study phase:
There is clear documentation of interdependence of CRF fields, including data entry skip logic.

1: For data entry: cells for skipped questions are closed.

2: Clear directions on CRFs for when to skip questions. 

Study phase:
Missingness is defined and is distinguished from ‘not available’, ‘not applicable’, ‘not collected’ or ‘unknown.’ For optional data, ‘not entered’ is differentiated from ‘not clinically available’ depending on research context.

1: Definitions are agreed upon at design.

2: Codes are defined as appropriate to study settings: missing data from hospital record (e.g. not recorded) versus missing data from a study appointment (e.g. subject did not return etc.). 

Study phase:
Data that is mandatory for the study is enforced by rules at data entry and user reasons for overriding the error checks (queries) are documented in the database.

1: Mandatory elements require a value or explanation for reason missing.

2: Curation team is responsible for reviewing and accepting or rejecting explanations.

3: Data completeness for key variables is checked against pre-specified study design goals and minimum standards for data completeness in key areas are met.

4: Quality control is in place to ensure that completed clinical measurements or investigations such as imaging meet the specifications in the study protocol.

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