1: Where decimal places are to be limited, it should be clear to the user and prevent them from entering the value rather than a truncation performed with the user being unaware.
1: Where decimal places are to be limited, it should be clear to the user and prevent them from entering the value rather than a truncation performed with the user being unaware.
1: Database has flags for identification of when CRF completion or a study visit is overdue.
2: Automated weekly messages sent to coordinators listing overdue eCRFs.
3: Central study staff responsible for monitoring overdue CRFs.
1: Duplication identification process in place to assure single entry of codes assigned to unique subjects by institution across repository data sets (e.g., blood samples, imaging sequences and other assessments).
2: Audits are conducted to reconcile record linkages and assure no duplicates are entered (e.g., image sequence files not submitted twice; subject CRF only entered once in database; or biospecimen have unique IDs at different timepoints and only entered once).
3: For data across multiple platforms assure same subject ID is used in the database. For example, Global unique identifier (GUID).
1: The GUID (Global Unique IDentifier) or the GUPI (Generated Unique Patient Identifier) is a method of ensuring that patients are not duplicated across datasets.
1: Similar data will be collected in one table.
2: Repeating data is not collected in separate fields, but rather identified by a time point indicator.